Corporate personnel loyalty monitoring

Corporate personnel loyalty monitoring

Fair and complete assessment of de facto level of corporate loyalty of employees

Corporate loyalty means moral principles of an employee; his/her activities for the benefit of a company in general and his/her colleagues and supervisors in particular; personal loyalty and satisfaction with labor conditions.

Corporate loyalty of an employee indicates to what extent an employee considers that he/she is in the right fit in the company, shares its goals and values, wishes the success and prosperity to the company, in other words, “does not rock the boat but rather helps to row it”.

By conducting from time to time personnel loyalty checks you may significantly decrease the level of risk of theft and sabotage. A loyal employee does not steal. The level of sabotage among loyal employees is minimal. Besides, identification of non-loyal employees will allow to maintain normal psychological climate in the team.

Loyalty level is estimated in accordance with tasks set by a customer: tasks relating to any conditions of the business and production purposes. We perform our work as soon as possible and try to distract employees from their work to the minimal extent possible.

Assessment results are scientifically substantiated and have high degree of accuracy.

Corporate loyalty is assessed based on the following criteria:

  • employee’s personal values;
  • employee’s attitude to corporate goals and values;
  • the level of loyalty to the company in general, disposition to defiance, intrigues, conflicts and spreading of gossip;
  • disposition to concealed defiance (sabotage);
  • disposition to theft and mala fide conduct, among other things, related to management and disposal of the company’s resources, disposition to disclosure of information that constitutes commercial secret;
  • active counteraction against company’s operation in general and activities of a supervisor, in particular

 If insufficient loyalty of an employee is revealed, we can help to find and eliminate causes for such conduct. In the majority of cases, the degree of loyalty is directly associated with the following factors:

  • fairness of incentive and remuneration system;
  • transparency in allocation of areas of responsibility;
  • unbiased personal performance and business performance appraisal of employees, especially, in supervisor-subordinate relationship;
  • level of corporate culture: existence of decent values and missions of the company; stated and de facto standards of conduct in a team;
  • level of rumors and gossip undermining the company’s authority and creating hostile work environment in the team;
  • level of trust/distrust to managers of all levels and to the owner of the company;
  • steadiness of the company’s standards of conduct and traditions.

Loyalty monitoring is carried out using different methods, including:

  • testing based on developed methodologies that proved to be efficient;
  • indirect testing (without the need to complete written test forms);
  • other methods, for instance, interviews with senior managers and key employees of the company;
  • direct monitoring of the work of employees.

Monitoring methods are selected in cooperation with the client, subject to real capacities and peculiarities of the company’s business.

Your benefits:

  • full confidentiality of the study conducted;
  • understanding the real personnel loyalty level;
  • obtaining a tool for creation of successful and stable business;
  • decreasing the company’s financial risks due to prevention of theft and sabotage.

This service will be useful for:

  • owners and top managers of companies who wish to build a strong, manageable and really efficient team;
  • top managers who want to be aware of personnel loyalty level and who use this knowledge for solving personnel and management tasks;
  • HR-directors that seek to prevent high personnel turnover.

Service result: a detailed report on employees’ loyalty level

Time of delivery: 2 days

Cost per person: 3,000 Rubles

Companies that wish to order this service on a regular basis (once in a quarter) are offered special conditions.